Saturday, June 16, 2012

State License Plates Part 9: New Hampshire

Well. it’s been a while since I last posted. A long time actually, but now I am back and what a better way to come back than with this state plate. New Hampshire.


When I think of New Hampshire I think of…

Yeah, I have no idea what goes on in New Hampshire. I mean I’ve been there before for a wedding, which was lovely by the way, but other than that I don’t know much else. So, let’s get to the plate.

‘Live Free Or Die’. Damn that’s an awesome motto. I love it because it harkens back to the genesis of the United States of America and how our forefathers fought for freedom. Putting this on the plate lets me know that New Hampshire is a chill place.

I love the colour scheme of the green on green. It really gives a sense of what New Hampshire is like: lush and green. A deep forest green really makes the numbers pop against a somewhat faded background.

The background. Clearly this is the ‘Old Man of the Mountain’ – a famous rock formation which has since collapsed leaving very little of the original structure. It’s quite sad but New Hampshire-ites are a strong bunch and remember their history.

Since this is my first post after being away for so long I think I will keep this brief. A solid B+.

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