The face of the game has changed. No longer will friends be protected by friends. It's all about "how are you going to help me win". This was made clear through Wes' actions this week.
Last week it was hinted that Danny (still wearing those hats) was crumbling under the pressure of the game, according to his alliance, and that he was becoming too much of an emotional liability. Wes saw this as a problem and wanted to send Danny & Sandy into Exile, and hopefully home. His plan, if Kenny & Laurel won the challenge, was to have Ryan (Wes' mole) tell Kenny that he wanted to face Danny & Sandy in exile. This would be done because Kenny would assume that Ryan & Theresa would be voted into Exile by the rest of the house. But, all of this would be moot if Kenny & Laurel won the challenge.
In the "Drop Out" challenge the pairs had to swim out, climb a vertical rope ladder, then a horizontal rope ladder, run from a platform and jump and hang onto a hanging punching bag. Needless to say, there were some pretty nasty falls into the water. The winning team, for the third straight challenge, and fourth out of five, was Kenny & Laurel. Now Wes could put his plan into action.
It went down almost exactly as planned: Kenny & Lauren voted in Danny & Sandy, but a curve ball was thrown as the remaining members of Wes' alliance voted in Pete & Jillian (considered a strong team). Wes wanted Danny, his liability, gone and this was the final nail in the coffin. This decision to put Danny & Sandy against Pete & Jillian is a real eye opener to the other teams. It shows, as Ryan and Noor said, that Wes is willing to thrown anyone under the bus, even his best friend just for the money. No one in his alliance is safe.
Before Exile Danny said that if he were to come back he'd jump ship to Kenny & Laurel's alliance just to take Wes down. Clearly, Wes is doing something wrong if his best friend wants his head on the chopping block. In Exile, Danny (wearing a white bandanna) & Sandy get a blazing head start by completing the first puzzle quickly. Pete & Jillian stumble at the first puzzle but make up some time as they run through the forest. Sandy begins to tire and slows down and Danny yells at her. But it looks as if the lead they built too big of a lead at the beginning to lose. Halfway through the challenge, Pete & Jillian seem to kick it into another gear and find a second wind and begin to run like crazy. Sandy slows down even more and it cost her team. Pete & Jillian literally finish 10 yards in front of Danny & Sandy. They saw Danny pop out of the woods just as they crossed the finish line. Wes got his wish, his liability went home. In the end, Danny, disappointed at what Wes did to him, still wants to be friends and hopes that the two of them can put it all behind them. Aww, bro hug it out.
Social "Game" Notes
Danny, showing his "emotional instability", talks to Mandi about his home life and brings up that his mom died while he was on "The Real World: Austin". It didn't bug me that he brought it up, just the way he did it. He said to her: "in this one episode" he would listen to a recording over and over again. He's not even treating it like it was his life, he's treating it like a television show. He specifically said that it was an episode, and that just rubbed me the wrong way.
Only one thing of note was revealed this week and it was that Jenn and Pete like to hook up. Jenn just likes to make out with Pete and sleep in his bed because she finds him hot. Uh, OK, sure, I can see this ending well...
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