Friday, October 8, 2010

YTMND of the Week: I Can Break These Cuffs

"Cops" is one of those shows that is always on but I never watch it fully. Most of the time it's just routine traffic stops with drug addicts and drunks being pulled over and the cops finding drugs or other paraphernalia. Then there are times when the show becomes something more, something (dare I say) great. This is one of those moments.

I Can Break These Cuffs

Stemming from this one video came some great YTMNDs. For example: Love in these cuffs & Olympic Cuff Breaking Event. But it's the original that I'm highlighting this week because it just demonstrates the stupidity of our country that I can look at and laugh at because I know that there is someone out there that is being dumber than me. Enjoy.

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