Friday, October 1, 2010

YTMND of the Week: The Original YTMND

If you don't know what YTMND is then what have you been using the internet for? The site started with one simple line from a very good movie with Sir Sean Connery:

"You're the man now dog!"

What has stemmed from this simple page are pages and pages of inane, idiotic and at times utterly hilarious GIFs, JPEGs and video with it's only purpose to entertain. I love this site and visit it frequently but in order to "appreciate" other pages you must start at the beginning to see what you are in store for - which is why I linked to the original YTMND. To browse other pages simply go to and take a look around and see what's there. More times than not it will be stupid and not funny, but every so often something comes along that will leave you with a smile on your face and a LOL out of your mouth.

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