Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Remember This?

With it being March and basketball being on the minds of just about every single person in the USA I thought it appropriate to bring back an ad campaign that was all basketball. All the sounds, the moves, the style, the hype, the showmanship. Basketball.

I remember really digging this ad and trying to dribble the ball with my knees as I walked - to no avail - and trying to pass the ball through my shirt and around my back - again: failure. But that didn't stop my from trying or capturing my imagination and showing me some of the highlights of what the game has to offer in terms the skills players possess. The ad is just basketball and that's all it needed for it to be effective.

Then there was this:

This might be where the spoof genre started to go downhill by adding in current references. To viewers who weren't born or aren't aware of the 'Nike Freestyle' ad this might seem just plain odd and out of place but honestly within the 'Scary Movie' landscape, to me, this fits. It adds to the creepy/haunted house storyline and keeps it funny with physical comedy. I love both of these clips and seeing Marlon Wayans' facial expressions is an added bonus.

**Make sure you fill out your bracket before the first round starts tomorrow**

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