Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Films from 2002

I distinctly remember seeing most of these films in theatres and remembering them as being fantastic/tragic/dramatic/hilarious. Each one I had seen left me with something to think about after the final credit had rolled. Whether it was a funny line or a memorable scene, the images from these films have been instilled in my memory. I can vividly recall walking out of the theatre of my number one film and it being completely silent until I got closer to the lobby.

The image on the left is of Mount Sunday in Canterbury, New Zealand where Peter Jackson and Co. set up Edoras, the capital city of Rohan for the filming of The Two Towers. This photo was taken on my semester break in September of 2007.

The first two films listed are my top two of 2002. They vary in genre, style, and nearly everything else but at the heart of each film is the fight for survival and the strength of the human spirit to prevail over even the most sinister of evils. They both deal with complex issues and the directors, writers, and creators involved allow the audience to sit and reflect after each viewing and we are left to wonder what we would have done if put in those situations because the choices made are not only difficult but life-altering. The remaining films follow in no particular oder.

  • The Pianist
  • Minority Report
  • Catch Me If You Can
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
  • 28 Days Later
  • City of God
  • Spider-Man
  • 25th Hour
  • Punch-Drunk Love
  • Panic Room
  • Orange County
  • Spirited Away
  • The Bourne Identity
  • The Emperor's Club
  • Road to Perdition

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