Ah yes the lovely state of New Jersey. I have only had the pleasure of traveling through Newark Airport, on my way to New York, and it was pleasant enough but all I could think about was finding where John Cusack got spit out after being inside John Malkovich’s head. Sadly, I never found it, I don’t think. I was there in March so the same dead-ish brown grass populated most of the stretch of highway I traveled on. Oh well, I move on.
New Jersey:
Now when I see the words ‘Garden State’ I think the opposite of New Jersey. When most people hear that they think of Zach Braff and The Shins. Quite the contrast.
Nothing says ‘Garden’ like emulating a hazy mixture of taupe and bile and plastering it all over the license plates of every car and lo-and-behold that is their state color. Sure it was chosen by George Washington (as in the 1st President George Washington) for the troops from New Jersey so that’s that but c’mon George did you run out of colors after Red, White and Blue for the rest of the country that you decided to stick New Jersey with that? That’s too bad. Really, it’s too bad, I would’ve said ‘Thanks Georgie but I think we’ll go for vermillion or something a bit more bad ass because I don’t want to look at my flag and see phlegm behind our awesome crest.’
Another state uses a blob in the middle only this time the blob is a recreation of the state and has distinct features that let you know that it’s not just a blob. Meh. On the plus side I can easily read every single letter and number. They go that going on but that’s about it. This plate is ugly and boring and received a C-.
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