Saturday, April 10, 2010

Films from 2008

This year's list is essentially divided in half. One half being dramatic/critically acclaimed films, the other half being films that were well received but not necessarily awards material - although most earned an award of some kind throughout the year. The first two are my top two, then the rest follow in no particular order.

  • The Dark Knight
  • Slumdog Millionaire
  • The Wrestler
  • The Visitor
  • In Bruges
  • Happy-Go-Lucky
  • Frost/Nixon
  • Kung Fu Panda
  • Forgetting Sarah Marshall
  • Tropic Thunder
  • Iron Man
  • Pineapple Express
  • Hamlet 2
  • Role Models
  • Hellboy II: The Golden Army
Normally I would write a little piece about why you should see one of the movies on this list but I find that these titles are fairly well known that I don't need to do that (maybe the exception being "Happy-Go-Lucky", go see it. Sally Hawkins is great.). I also don't feel the need to defend any of the picks because I feel it's complete as is. I wish I had more but I don't, so I will see you all later with my picks for 2009.

The reason for the photo? I just love James Franco's expression.

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