The game, up to this point, has been about two alliances: Kenny's and Wes'. Kenny's alliance members keep dropping after every exile. Wes is becoming more and more arrogant about how he is running the game because his group controls the votes. He keeps going on and on about how his alliance is like a "well-oiled machine". He even says it right in front of Kenny as he is talking to Danny. Wes was drunk, but still, he said it. Kenny & Laurel keep winning challenges, throwing a wrench into the cogs that run his machine.
In the "King of the Wall" challenge, the teams jumped off a dock into the water, swam 30 yards and climbed up a slanted and slick wall to a platform where they had to ring a bell to signal their completion of the challenge. Kenny & Laurel obliterated the competition with e blistering time of 36 seconds. The next closest was 53 seconds by, who else, Wes & Mandi. During the challenge Katelyn & Brandon struggled to finish, as Katelyn fell down the face of the wall and badly bruised her fibula, knee, and possibly tore her ACL. Not a great omen for this team.
Back at the house, it was revealed that Evelyn was using Ryan as a double agent to get him to vote in CJ & Sydney. The seed was planted in Kenny's mind that Ryan & Theresa would be the next ones to go in, but that wouldn't be the case. Ryan would say to Kenny that he would feel comfortable going against CJ & Sydney - Kenny would vote them in, then Wes' alliance would vote in Pete & Jillian to go against CJ & Sydney, thus removing one of Kenny's alliance members. Only the first part of this happened.
Katelyn came back from the hospital, and everyone saw that she was injured and most likely could not compete in any more challenges. The group decides to vote them in (to eliminate the weaker competition) because most of them thought it was the right and fair thing to do.
Brandon came to terms with the fact that they're the ones going home no matter what so they decide to not even get up and compete. CJ & Sydney lobby for them to just show up just so they can see the course and have a leg up on the other teams. They do this but Brandon, in his infinite wisdom, decides to drink before heading out to the challenge. The two teams get to the starting line and TJ Lavin informs them that drinking before a challenge is an automatic disqualification. CJ & Sydney don't get to see the course at all and are sent back to the house. On their way back, CJ decides to cook up a lie that they did in fact compete, but only for a short while, that way they can still have that leg up on the other teams. Their reasoning is that having seen and competed in the Exile challenge they'd know how to win at it the next time around.
Later, CJ felt a little raw about being thrown to the wolves for the sake of his alliance. He doesn't like that his name was being thrown around as a team Ryan "wanted to face" going into Exile and this pisses him off. He and Landon talk it over and agree that Wes is not showing them any respect and they are not happy with the way they are being treated. The episode ends with CJ and Landon hinting at flipping sides to Kenny's alliance.
Social Game Notes:
Danny drinks a lot, insults his partner Sandy and Brandon gets defensive for her. They almost fight before Wes has to reverse piggyback him in order to slow him down and prevent him from fighting. Wes has to calm Danny down and tell him that his actions are screwing everything up for their alliance. Danny calms down a bit, and he and Brandon hug it out because they both understand it was the alcohol talking.
Danny, again, is not the best person to take fashion advice from. He wears the short brim hat that snugly fits his head everywhere he goes. This was made apparent during a conversation he had with Wes, outdoors, in the rain, in the hot tub!
Wes "dumped" Theresa, even though they never were in a relationship. They then become "friends".
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